Financial Support & Assistance

No student who is offered a place on a NYOS course should face financial barriers.

NYOS is passionate about ensuring every young person has the opportunity to participate in ensemble music-making. The NYOS Bursary Fund exists for participants who find it difficult to meet the costs of membership fees. All applications are treated in the strictest confidence.

Bursary Application forms will be sent with offer letters. If you would like to know what we may ask for, please contact a member of the team via email on

If you are looking for more information about how to access funding from trusts, foundations, or local authorities to support your musical development or access to NYOS courses, please take a look at our guide to funding below.

> Guide to Trust, Foundation and Local Authority Funding

NYOS relies on support from Creative Scotland's Youth Music Initiative as well as Trusts and Foundations to maintain the Bursary Fund, therefore the total fund available varies each year. We expect to be able to provide the following support for members in 2024 - although, in the event of exceptional demand, the level of available support might be reduced. NYOS is grateful for the ongoing financial support of the Leverhulme Trust

FREE Places: 

  • Available for individuals where the total household income before tax is £25,000 or under. 
  • For individuals who are in foster care, or under the care of a local authority. 
  • For those in receipt of: 
    • Universal credit
    • Young carer grant
    • Income support
    • Income-based job seeker's allowance
    • Income-based employment and support allowance
    • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
    • Child tax credit (not: working tax credit) and income under £16,105
    • Child tax credit and working tax credit with income up to £7,500

Reduced Fees: 

If your total household income before tax is £55,000 or under: 

  • £25,000-£35,000 (80% Bursary)
  • £35,000-£45,000 (60% Bursary)
  • £45,000-£55,000 (30% Bursary)

Discretionary Bursary: 

If you would like to be considered for a bursary and you do not meet the outlined criteria, or you wish to apply for additional support, please complete the bursary application form and provide as much detail about your circumstances. 

For example, you may have more than one child taking part in NYOS programmes, or you may be a musician who is self-funding the fees without the support of your family. 

Please contact us if you would like this information in a different format at

Bursary application forms are sent with offer letters. There is no need to submit anything before you apply.

We are aware that getting to and from courses can also restrict those that may wish to engage with NYOS. In 2024, NYOS began offering support for travel and accommodation costs. Details for this additional support is included in offers and will be noted on the specific project pages. 

For more information, please contact

If you are looking for more information about accessing financial support from trusts, foundations or local authorities to help you attend a NYOS course, please view our guide: 

> Guide to Trust, Foundation and Local Authority Funding